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PRIDE Model of Practice

The PRIDE Model of Practice was initially created by a partnership of Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) and Illinois Department Children Family Services (DCFS), numerous agencies, organizations and a university around the USA and OKS in the Netherlands. In Europe the Dutch foundation OKS has been instrumental in almost all implementations.


Implementation of PRIDE was part of extensive project of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Czech Republic with goal to bring new methods and support changes in child protection to get more children out of institutional care into foster care.

The project included translation and adaptation of the PRIDE program and materials, training for PRIDE Trainers and Master Trainers. Spreading information about the program among the professional community.

The first group of 20 PRIDE trainers was trained with great support of Rob van Pagée (NL) and Ċ½eljka Burgund (SRB) in 2013. 10 Groups of prospective fosters and adoptive parents were trained in 3 counties as a pilot project. Then PRIDE was offered to other counties. Nowadays PRIDE is provided in 12 out of 14 counties. In 2015 we have had request for over 50 PRIDE trainings for prospective fosters and adoptive parents. 

Therefore other 4 groups of new trainers were trained by Czech Master Trainers in 2014 and 2015. Currently there is over 70 PRIDE trainers (half professionals/ experienced fosters) in Czech Republic.

The Ministry is the owner of PRIDE license and it also controls and financed all of the processes involved. There are several other programs then PRIDE provided all around Czech Republic but PRIDE is probably the only one with national wide potential.

After two years of PRIDE in Czech Republic works the Ministry with some of the trainers on second edition of all materials and also Czech versions of Pride films. All 14 steps are also big issue. Since some of the steps are already implemented in Czech child protection low, some are still waiting to get into Czech practice.

Cyril Zákora, Master Trainer,

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