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PRIDE Model of Practice

The PRIDE Model of Practice was initially created by a partnership of Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) and Illinois Department Children Family Services (DCFS), numerous agencies, organizations and a university around the USA and OKS in the Netherlands. In Europe the Dutch foundation OKS has been instrumental in almost all implementations.


2001 honourable mention Hein Roethof 

At the presentation of the Hein Roethof Prize 2001, Echt Recht received an honourable mention because of successful work in the field of crime prevention.  

2002 Simon Slotenprijs 

The Vedivo Foundation (umbrella organisation for (family) guardianship and youth rehabilitation) and the Raad voor de Kinderbescherming awarded the "Eigen Kracht-conference' project of the Op Kleine Schaal Foundation with the Simon Sloten Prize in 2002 for the most innovative project in the field of youth protection. 


2003 IKON Pioniers 

The viewers of the IKON programme 'Pioniers' choose the rehabilitation conference Echt Recht as most important innovative intervention out of five nominees.   


2003 Anniversary prize O&A 

In 2003, the Op Kleine Schaal Foundation received the anniversary prize from the Vereniging tot bevordering van Orthopedagogische Activiteiten for its innovative work.   


2013 Oranje Nassau 

Her Majesty the Queen has in her decision of 13 September 2012, appointed Robert van Pagée, Director of OKS, a Knight in the order of Orange-Nassau. This honour means recognition for him but it also reflects on many others who contributes to the work of OKS