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PRIDE Model of Practice

The PRIDE Model of Practice was initially created by a partnership of Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) and Illinois Department Children Family Services (DCFS), numerous agencies, organizations and a university around the USA and OKS in the Netherlands. In Europe the Dutch foundation OKS has been instrumental in almost all implementations.

The people behind

The OKS Foundation always remained small and has not strong profiled itself. It was and is a 'haven' for very many who made any use of the services, and at the same time promoted the thoughts and intention and the expanded material. In this sense, the Foundation has always been a 'movement'. Numerous supporters of this movement have published on the 'heritage' of the Foundation or its work. Articles, theses, sometimes books. Many arena's and so many faces are part of the movement. 

However, there are a few faces that stand out, partly because of their continuity:

In The Netherlands, Hannie van der Horst, Fiet van Beek, Jan van Lieshout and Rob van Pagée.

In the United States, Dr. Eileen Mayers Pasztor from Child Welfare League of America and Ted Wachtel from International Institute Restorative Practices.

In Hungary, Dr. Maria Herczog, Family, Child and Youth Association, Budapest

In Serbia, Zeljka Burgund, U Krugu Porodice in Beograd.  

The Foundation is always supported by a board that stands out, not only because of their many active years:

Jan HaaksmanWim van Miltenburg, professor dr. Herman Baartman, Gerard van Well, Peter van Geel, Henk Reijmert and Hans van der Horst.

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